Love, Joy, Peace...
Welcome and the Plan of Salvation

Welcome, and we are glad you made it to our website. We are an independent Baptist church that cares about your soul rather than your socio-economic position in society.  We operate with a congregational form of government, and we still sing the old hymns along with some new ones. Please check out the doctrinal statement if you would like to know about our faith.

The basic premise of our church is that the eternal God gave us a book. That book is the most precious document on the earth, and it is right. We might not agree on everything with each other, but our congregation does agree that God's Word is right and is the final authority.

Faith is believing what God said. Our salvation is by grace through faith without our own works [Ephesians 2:8-9]. The Bible states that we have all sinned [Romans 3:23] and there is nothing we can do to merit our salvation. Christianity is different from all other religions in that every religion tells you how you can appease their god while Christianity tells us how God paid the price for us through His Son Jesus Christ [Romans 5:8-9].  

The blood of Jesus Christ is the payment for all of our sins [I John 2:2] but it is only effective for those who are willing to receive it [John 1:12]. We are to receive this gift of God by putting our trust in it. Repentance for salvation is to stop trusting anything else, such as religion, goodness, churches, etc. and to only trust the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ as the payment for our sin. This is the confession we make for our salvation [Romans 10:9, "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved."]

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.

Pastor Steve

Eastern Shore Bible Baptist Church, Galena, MD
13984 Gregg Neck Road, Galena, MD 21635
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